Over the past three decades, the artwork of Shelly Rasche has appeared on thousands of items around the world, including greeting cards, prints, children's books, clothing, fabric, counted cross stitch designs, yard flags, Christmas ornaments, music boxes, mugs, tins, kitchen items, and much more.
Shelly's artwork is represented by art agents at Art Licensing, International, based in Vermont. They market her designs to companies all over the world, and the companies then "rent" her artwork for a specified period of time and geographical region for use on a specific commercial product. For example, one design might be "rented" in North America by one company to make puzzles and another to make fabric, leaving the opportunity open for a third company to buy the rights to make puzzles or fabric (or any other product) from the same design to sell in another part of the world.
The Scale House at Windsong Acres is both her studio and a gallery that displays many examples of her artwork and commercial products based upon her designs.
For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.

Romans 11:29